Colour frenzy

Glowing hot neodymium purple glass in Nuutajärvi

This summer our PhotonArt project proceeded to the actual melting and blowing of coloured glasses. For this I had rented the Lasikomppania glass studio in Nuutajärvi and I was full of nervous excitement. Making glass is expensive and you’re never fully certain of the outcomes… Luckily all went very well!

Samples of PhotonArt -project’s coloured glasses for glassblowing

The colour recipes were designed by Tampere University Photonics Laboratory as part of PhotonArt -project that combines art and science. Our project leader Dr. Laeticia Petit is the professor of photonic glasses at Tampere University and her team researches glass as a tool to transport light. Photonic glasses have applications in optical fibers, lasers, optical amplifiers, multicolor displayers, just to cite a few.

In the PhotonArt project we have investigated colours of glass and glazes both from artists and scientists point of view. The project is supported by Finnish Cultural Trust Pirkanmaa Regional Funds.

Hectic work in Lasikomppania studio, glassblowers Samuli Parkkinen and Jenni Sorsa in action

All the colours turned out super nice and were suitable for glassblowing. The days at the studio were hectic and hard work as we produced new artworks. Many thanks to my gaffers and studio staff : Jenni Sorsa, Samuli Parkkinen and Alge Julija.

Some of the shapes are inspired by ancient Chinese vessels and vases. These new artworks are not yet ready as they need coldworking and engraving. I’m however, already very pleased with how they turned out.

Wonderful spring green colour in a vase

The final results can be seen in Tampere at the end of this year. Stay tuned, still some months to go but lots to do!

Galleria Himmelblau, Tampere, Finland 9.12.2023-7.1.2024

Close-up of purple-violet glass